It’s been nearly a year since Newzbin2 and NZBMatrix called it quits. Since then we’ve seen a lot of new search sites pop up. Most of which are built on Newznab. With a few custom developed projects. The question is who will be the next Newzbin / NZBMatrix? Right now the Usenet community is fragmented when it comes to searching newsgroups. We could really use another large site with open registration and low VIP cost.
We were very sorry to see the large sites close up last year. Since then a number of other options have grown. Including embedded search inside clients like Newshosting, Newsbin and NewsLeecher. Along with a number of new NZB sites. We’re fond of several sites and have been happy to see some of our favorites (DOGnzb and open for registration at times over the last couple months. Yet we still lack a clear leader.
It’s not bad having lots of options to search for Usenet content. The downside is that there isn’t a really large community sharing comments and ideas like they did on NZBMatrix. Instead you are left without some of the advantages of a very large and active user base. I think a few of the current projects have the chance to become the next go to site for Usenet fans. As the choice becomes clear we’ll be happy to help promote their growth.
In the meantime check out our NZB site post where we track some of the leading sites with open registration. You can also view our Usenet search guide for more suggestions. Let us know what you think. You can hit us up on Twitter or via email. If you run a site and think you’re poised to be the next leader in the space please let us know. We’ll help share news and updates so that our visitors can enjoy the latest search innovations.